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Book Summary: The Neurofeedback Solution, Larsen, Stephen (2012), Healing Arts Press, Vermont

After reading, Dr. Norman Doidge’s book, The Brain’s Way of Healing, I wanted to know more and even more. Larsen’s: The Neurofeedback Solution: How to Treat Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Stroke, PTSD and More is a must for the practitioner. Much like Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk’s book, The Body Keeps the Score, Dr. Larsen supports the science of neurofeedback with stories from his practice. There are many contributing authors from the U.S. and Canada who tell stories of specific clients who through the use of neurofeedback were able to use the technology to move their brains out of the parking spots of anxiety, OCD and depression. Neurofeedback trains the user whose brain rhythms are off to control them. This is the technology of self-regulation and self-healing.

After weeks and months of studying neuroscience, I am convinced that I made the right decision to commit to expanding my repertoire of self-regulatory healing practices and train in both neurofeedback and HeartMath (March 16, 2015).


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