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Book Summary: The Dolphin Way, The Parent’s Guide to Raising Healthy, Happy, and Motivated Kids With

Dr. Kang outlines ways to tame the tiger parent that lives inside the parents of today. She asks a series of questions that opens up her easy to read book:

  1. What are your expectations for your child?

  2. Do you need to keep up with the Jones’?

  3. Do you want to be perfect? The fear of failure prevents solving problems via trial an error and leads to avoiding taking risks and being vulnerable.

  4. Are you overscheduling?

  5. Are you overstructuring?

  6. Are you pushing too hard?

  7. Are you hovering?

  8. Are you paving the way for your children to be incompetent when faced with adversity?

She believes that not only do our children need a solid IQ and a healthy EQ for success in the 21st century but another requirement is CQ or the Complete Quotient. CQ has four criteria: creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. This generation of children will experience grades mattering less and innovation and communication mattering more.

Dr. Gabor Mate who co-wrote, “Hold Onto Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers” with Dr. Gordon Neufeld (my brilliant mentor and associate), endorses Dr. Kang’s book with several compliments. “Dr. Shimi Kang provides essential guidance in restoring sanity to twenty-first century parenting. Compassionate to parent and child, loving and reasoned its approach, The Dolphin Way is highly readable, emotionally nurturing and intellectually satisfying”. I couldn’t have said it better.

ISBN: 978-0-670-06756-5

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